Plymouth Arts Cinema
24/11/22 06:00–07:00

Than Hussein Clark - Artist Talk

Than Hussein Clark, A Little Night Music (And Reversals), 2020
Than Hussein Clark, A Little Night Music (And Reversals), 2020, installation view. Photo: Aurélien Mole. © the artist. Courtesy of Galerie Crèvecoeur.

“The theme Yves wanted was an eccentric 1950s Englishman who had come to live in Tangier.” (Reversed)

FREE / All Welcome

Booking essential. Please book via Eventbrite following this link.


Join Than Hussein Clark (B. 1981) in the discussion of his presentation of paintings by Dehodencq, Delacroix, and Gros in the Plymouth iteration of BAS 9, as part of the artist’s continued engagement with queer theory, gossip, and the decorative arts.