Stray Finds
Mohini Chandra

To mark the exhibition Paradise Lost by artist Mohini Chandra, at MIRROR, Plymouth College of Art will host a special event in conjunction with the local history project, the SHIPS Project, and the Smart Citizens Programme.
10.30-12.30pm - Meet the artist & the SHIPS project team and examine shipwreck treasure.
Plymouth College of Art Student Union. Free, all welcome. Drop in- no need to book.
1.00-2.00pm - Tour the Fab Lab at Plymouth College of Art
Meet in the main reception at Plymouth College of Art. Free, all welcome. Limited numbers available, book your free place at:
Join us for a special event led by artist Mohini Chandra, the SHIPS project and the Smart Citizens Programme.
From 10.30-12.30 - Members of the public can view Mohini's exhibition, meet the artist and the SHIPS project team who worked on the project and examine shipwreck artefacts and ‘treasure’.
Local divers from the South West are invited to bring their finds along to show, discuss and possibly get help with identification and conservation of their finds from The SHIPS Project team. The SHIPS Project in collaboration with Mohini Chandra are also interested in the tales of what local divers have found, why they started diving, and what discoveries they have made throughout their diving careers.
From 1-2pm there will be a tour of Fab Lab Plymouth to see how archaeological artefacts can be 3D scanned and reproduced in a variety of materials through digital fabrication processes such as 3D printing.

Can you help the Stray Finds Project team?
Divers have always recovered objects from under the sea; sometimes the objects have been taken from a shipwreck and sometimes they were found on their own. The object may be well cared for and be displayed on a shelf or it may be left forgotten in a garage. In most cases the objects have not been recorded or photographed so they are a missing piece of our shared maritime history.
The Stray Finds Project team is tracking down these lost objects, recording them and publishing what we find in the hope that they may help tell an untold story:
Locate - They track down objects found by divers.
Record - They record and photograph the objects so their story can be told.
Rescue - They rescue important or unwanted objects and give them to museums
It is sometimes thought that divers do not find anything historically important, but from what The Stray Finds Project team have seen it is not just brass and bottles! The objects may be a clue to a hidden shipwreck, they may provide the answer to a historical mystery, or be the only surviving evidence of an event that happened many years ago. So far they have recorded many historical objects including cannons, ancient stone anchors and Roman amphoras.
How you can help:
Do you have any objects found under the sea that could be recorded?
Do you have tales of early diving in the South Coast of the UK?
Do you know of any divers that can share information about diving in the UK before 1980?
Do you know of anyone that would like to donate their finds to the Stray Finds Project?