MIRROR invites proposals from staff and student groups for their evening ‘Give & Takeover’ event series.
Give & Takeover

The Give & Takeover event series invites staff and students of the College (alongside invited artists) to respond to, and intervene within our Gallery exhibitions - by giving their creative energy to produce their own evening events in the gallery space amongst current exhibitions.
- Give & Takeover (G&T) events can take any form including temporary exhibitions, performances, talks, projections etc
- G&T events must not disturb the current exhibition in any way
- G&T events must be entirely temporary in their nature (easy to set up and take away without leaving any trace in the gallery)
You will need to
- Plan and manage all of the logistics for your event (including equipment, risk assessment, interpretation and documentation etc)
- Run the event (staffing it, greeting and managing visitors etc)
- Provide your own promotional text and images for the event which will be reviewed by the gallery Curator and published on the MIRROR website and social media channels
- Promote the event to your network

How to apply to run a Give & Takeover event?
MIRROR welcomes proposals for G&T events at any time with proposals being assessed and reviewed on a monthly basis [*near the start of each month].
To apply please complete the application form below. We recommend that you download the application form questions (see link below) and complete and save your answers in advance (checking the word counts) before copying and pasting your answers into the form and submitting.
Video Applications
- We also accept applications via video. If choosing to submit a video file please see the application form for specified time limits in which to answer the questions.
- Please upload your video to Vimeo, YouTube or another online platform or website
- Please paste the link to your video in each text box of the application form.
- If your video is password-protected, please include the password as well.
As part of your application, we will also ask you to complete a monitoring form to help us better understand who our opportunities are reaching and to work towards a more inclusive sector. The information you give is anonymised and is not linked to your application.
If you are selected to run a Give & Takeover Event you will also be asked to complete a risk assessment form before your event can be confirmed. This will be sent to you to complete after the selection process.