MIRROR is looking to recruit Arts University Plymouth students on a voluntary basis to informally interview the artists, curators and arts professionals that we work with.
Ask an Artist / Conversations with Curators

MIRROR is looking to recruit students on a voluntary basis who are interested in informally interviewing the artists, curators and arts professionals that we work with in our programme.
MIRROR works with artists at a range of career stages, based within the South West & nationally. In the last few years we have presented the work of Simon Bayliss, Torsten Lauschmann, Katie Schwab and Rose Wylie amongst many more.
As an interviewer you will gain experience of meeting and networking with arts professionals, getting an exclusive insight into their work.
The interviews will be simple, short and low-fi, shot on camera phones with little editing. These 5min videos will be published on our website, on our Instagram and Arts University Plymouth's social media channels.
Interviewers will be supported to prepare questions, including by us asking our audience for questions they would like to propose (via social media call outs).
Interviewees need to be:
- Confident and able to hold an engaging conversation
- Professional, polite and reliable
- Capable of researching the person they are interviewing & preparing relevant questions
- Comfortable appearing on camera & in handling recording interviews using a phone
Each year we will create a pool of up to 6 students who we can call on to do these interviews, with each student being given at least one opportunity to interview an artist, curator or arts professional during this time. Students will be able to nominate who they would like to interview on a first come first served basis.

How to Apply:
MIRROR welcomes proposals for G&T events at any time with proposals being assessed and reviewed on a monthly basis [*near the start of each month].
Before preparing your application, please speak with your programme leader to discuss your interest in the role and how you see this fitting in amongst your studies.
To apply please complete the application form below. We recommend that you download the application form questions (see link below) and complete and save your answers in advance (checking the word counts) before copying and pasting your answers into the form and submitting.
Video Applications:
We also accept applications via video. If choosing to submit a video file please see the application form for specified time limits in which to answer the questions.
- Please upload your video to Vimeo, YouTube or another online platform or website
- Please paste the link to your video in each text box of the application form. If your video is password-protected, please include the password aswell.
As part of your application, we will also ask you to complete a monitoring form to help us better understand who our opportunities are reaching and to work towards a more inclusive sector. The information you give is anonymised and is not linked to your application.
Applications will be reviewed by the following panel:
- Hannah Rose (Gallery Curator)
- Stephen Felmingham (Head of School | Critical + Cultural Studies)
- Sarah Packer (Digital Content Officer)